Institute of Medical Psychology

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Besdovsky Lab - ProbandInnen gesucht

Proband:innen mit kurzer und durchschnittlicher Schlafdauer gesucht
Menschen brauchen unterschiedlich viel Schlaf. In dieser Studie wird untersucht, wie sich
natürlicher oder durch die Lebensumstände bedingter kurzer Schlaf auf verschiedene
biologische und psychologische Parameter auswirkt. Dafür suchen wir Proband:innen, die
durchschnittlich weniger als 6 Stunden schlafen (weil sie nicht mehr Schlaf benötigen ODER
weil es die Lebensumstände erzwingen) UND Proband:innen, die 7 – 9 Stunden schlafen.
Als Aufwandsentschädigung erhalten Sie 60 €. Weiter Infos und Kontakt:

Besedovsky Lab - Immunologie: Guter Schlaf weckt das Immunsystem/ Immunologie: good sleep stimulates the immune system 

Besedosky Lab - Schlaf hilft sich besser an komplexe Zusammenhänge zu erinnern/sleep improves ability to recall complex events

Gleich zwei unserer weiblichen Nachwuchsforscherinnen erhalten renommierte DFG (DeutscheForschungsgesellschaft) Grants.

Bori and Tanja pic

Two of our young female researchers, Dr. Borbála Blaskovich and Dr. Tanja Bange have been awarded with coveted grants from the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft).

Dr. Borbála Blaskovich receives funding from the Walter Benjamin Program of the DFG for early career development.

Her project:” Identifying stable objective markers of stress-related sleep disturbances: Laboratory and home-based, repeated measurement of cortical hyperarousal and inflammatory upregulation during nocturnal sleep.” focuses on participants with stress-related sleep disturbances. Stress-related disorders have greatly increased over the last decades. "Normal" stress reactions in dangerous situations is highly functional by promoting the "fight or flight" behavior. However, if the stress reactions are prolonged or increasingly occur in everyday situations, problems (e.g. sleep disorders) can arise. Stress-related pathologies can occur when the endogenous stress system of an individual with a certain neurobiological vulnerability gets flooded by pathogenic distress. Pathogenic distress (e.g. trauma, chronic stress) can lead to the over-activation of the stress-related neuroendocrine system, which can manifest in numerous psychiatric and sleep-related pathologies. Identifying objectively measurable markers of this inherently vulnerable stress system is at utmost importance in the fight against stress-related disorders. The aim of this study is to identify such objectively quantifiable risk markers using various measurements (sleep parameters, hormonal and immunological parameters in blood, hair and saliva), both in the laboratory and in natural environment (i.e. at home). The results from this project will help us characterize underlying mechanisms behind stress-related sleep disturbances, which could serve as early markers of potential risk-factors of psychiatric disorders as well as help to envision more process-specific, targeted prevention techniques, interventions and treatments in clinical psychology and psychiatry.

Dr. Tanja Bange receives funding for her own position as group leader by the DFG.
Regulated protein degradation controls protein levels of all short-lived proteins to ensure cellular homeostasis and also protects cells from misfolded or other abnormal proteins. The most important players in the degradation system are E3 ubiquitin ligases which recognize exposed sequence motifs, so called degrons, of target proteins and mark them through the attachment of ubiquitin for degradation. N-terminal (Nt) sequences are extensively used as degrons (N-degrons) and all twenty amino acids are able to feed proteins in one of the five known N-degron pathways. Studies have mainly focused on characterising systematically the role of the starting amino acid on protein stability and less on the identification of the E3 ligases (so called N-recognins) involved. Recent data suggest that N-degron pathways become active after the omission or “wrong” attachment of Nt-modifications to ensure protein quality and to remove potential harmful proteins as fast as possible from the system. These data further strengthen the important function of N-degron pathways in protein quality control to maintain cellular proteostasis in health. It suggests as well that a more extensive network of N-recognins and Nt-modifying enzymes exists than hitherto believed. In addition, the impairment of N-recognin function or misregulation of Nt-modifications plays a role in various human diseases (impairment of immunity, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases) and disorders (e.g. the Johansen-Blizzard Syndrome or the Naa10-related syndrome). Dr. Bange´s work will focus on the systematic identification and characterization of N-degron pathways using quantitative proteomics.